Hormone therapy is an effective treatment approach for both men and women suffering from hormonal imbalances leading to decline in health and wellbeing. This article provides an overview of hormone therapy basics, common symptoms and causes of hormone deficiencies, available treatment options with a focus on Ashland, Kentucky, and recommendations by the Rebalance Hormone Clinic for achieving optimal results.

What is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy, also known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), is the therapeutic administration of hormones when the body is unable to produce adequate amounts. It is a safe and research-backed treatment approach for numerous symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances associated with aging or other medical conditions.

Hormone therapy helps regulate estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones to youthful physiologic levels, leading to:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved libido and sexual function
  • Enhanced mental clarity and emotional health
  • Reduced risk factors for various diseases
  • Decelerated effects of aging

While oral medications may be appropriate in certain cases, hormone therapy is typically administered through:

  • Subcutaneous injections
  • Transdermal gels or patches
  • Pellets implanted under the skin

These methods allow for precise dosing and balanced hormone levels. Finding an experienced hormone therapy specialist is key for treatment success.

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Why Hormonal Balance is Key for Health

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers playing numerous regulatory roles via the endocrine system. Some key hormones and their functions include:

  • Estrogen - Regulates female sexual development and reproductive function
  • Progesterone - Works with estrogen in women, regulates ovulation and menstruation
  • Testosterone - Crucial for male sexuality, muscle mass, bone density and red blood cell production
  • Thyroid hormones - Regulate metabolism, growth, temperature and heart rate

A delicate hormonal balance is vital for overall health and wellbeing. Deficiency of key hormones leads to a wide array of symptoms:


Hormone Deficient Symptoms
Estrogen Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, unexplained weight gain, loss of breast fullness, emotional changes
Progesterone Irregular periods, severe PMS, uterine fibroids, perimenopause symptoms, infertility, osteoporosis
Testosterone Low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, depression, loss of muscle mass, weight gain around midsection, weakened bones, poor concentration
Thyroid hormones Fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, muscle weakness, joint pain, skin dryness, irregular menstrual cycles, high cholesterol, slowed heart rate


Diagnosing the underlying hormone imbalance through medical tests is the critical first step toward treatment. At the Rebalance Hormone Clinic, all patients undergo advanced diagnostic testing to determine customized therapy based on their hormone levels and health goals.

Restore hormonal balance, reclaim health in Ashland.

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Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

There are various reasons for declining hormone production:

  • Aging
  • Increased stress
  • Medical conditions like hypothyroidism or pituitary gland issues
  • Use of certain medications

That's why both men and women tend to experience hormone deficiency symptoms in midlife or as they grow older when the body slows down. However, treatment with bioidentical hormones can restore levels to what they were in early adulthood.

Diagnosing hormonal imbalances begins with assessing symptoms, medical history and risk factors, followed by blood, saliva or urine tests to measure individual hormone levels.

Based on test results and keeping optimal ranges in mind, an effective hormone therapy regimen can be developed involving one or more of the following hormones:


Hormone Normal Range Too Low Too High
Estrogen 50-350 pg/mL Symptoms in women Risk for cancer
Progesterone 1-28 ng/mL Irregular periods, infertility Potential side effects
Testosterone For adult males: 300-1,000 ng/dL For adult females: 8-60 ng/dL Low libido, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass Unknown
Thyroid (T3, T4) T3: 80-200 ng/dL T4: 4.5-12 μg/dL Fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold Increased heart rate


Levels that are too high or too low indicate the need for adjusting medication dosages or confirming treatment effectiveness. That's why continual testing is an important aspect of any hormone therapy program.

At Rebalance Hormone Clinic, all patients receive specialized care from our experienced hormone therapy specialists including continual monitoring and regular follow-ups to ensure treatment success.

Hormone Replacement Options

There are a variety of delivery methods to provide the body with the missing hormones it needs:

Oral Hormones

Available as tablets or capsules but less ideal for hormone therapy as the hormones risk being metabolized in the liver where they can synthesize into unwanted compounds. The bioavailability achieved orally is also relatively low.

Transdermal Hormones

Absorption of hormones through the skin allows them to enter the bloodstream, bypassing the liver. Delivery options include:

  • Gels - Applied daily topically on arms, thighs or abdomen
  • Patches - Replaced weekly or twice weekly on lower abdomen, hips or buttocks
  • Creams or lotions - Applied varyingly from daily to weekly

Injectable Hormone Therapy

Considered the most effective delivery method for the highest absorption and bioavailability of hormone treatments. Options include:

  • Subcutaneous injections - Administered into fatty tissue weekly or bi-weekly using small needles
  • Intramuscular injections - Larger needles injected into muscles at wider intervals e.g. every 2-3 weeks
  • Implants - Tiny pellets containing concentrated hormones surgically inserted under the skin every 3-6 months

Rebalance Hormone Clinic physicians recommend patients to start with a customized combination of bioidentical estrogen, progesterone or testosterone to be taken either transdermally or subcutaneously. Frequency is weekly, fortnightly or monthly based on doctor assessment and continual lab testing. They offer training to patients opting for self-administered injections at home.

Statistics on Major Hormonal Issues

  • An estimated 40 million adults suffer from thyroid issues - a condition that is 10 times more common in women than men as per the American Thyroid Association
  • 10-15% of women have measurable thyroid hormone deficiency by their childbearing years as per the American Academy of Family Physicians
  • Up to 90% of aging men grapple with testosterone deficiency causing disturbing symptoms hampering quality of life
  • The North American Menopause Society states that by age 60, most women produce 75% less estrogen than they did in their youth

Such prevalence of hormone disorders across society indicates that issues like hypothyroidism, low testosterone in men, perimenopause and menopause symptoms are medically established and treatable rather than being dismissed as an inevitable result of aging. Rebalancing key hormones can promote good health, elevated mood and an overall sense of wellbeing even in later years.

Restore hormonal balance, revive health in Ashland.

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Overcoming Myths about Hormone Therapy

There are several concerns people have regarding hormone replacement therapy, most of which arise from misleading claims or outdated research.


Myth Fact
Hormone therapy causes cancer or strokes. Earlier research linking hormonal medications to cancer and strokes involved non-bioidentical types and incorrect doses. Bioidentical hormones precisely match human hormones and are proven safe when correctly dosed.
Taking thyroid hormones for hypothyroidism is dangerous. Synthetic thyroid medication prescribed to treat deficiency has shown no increased health risks. Dosage is continually adjusted based on regular blood tests to keep hormone levels optimal.
Men should not take testosterone therapy as it causes prostate cancer. Extensive research reviews reveal no compelling evidence between testosterone therapy and higher prostate cancer risk. However, physicians monitor prostate health in male patients taking testosterone.
Hormone therapy medications are not "natural". The bioidentical hormones used are engineered to have a molecular structure identical to hormones produced by the human endocrine system. As the body recognizes them, side effects are minimal compared to synthetic or non-human formulations.
Blood, saliva or urine tests are unable to accurately determine hormone levels for treatment. Modern medical tests can now reliably measure free and total hormone levels in the body through quick and convenient analysis of blood serum, saliva or urine samples. Rebalance Hormone Clinic uses certified laboratories for ensuring accurate results.
Hormone treatments cannot combat age-related infertility issues. Restoring hormonal balance in both partners has successfully treated infertility allowing many older couples to conceive using IVF protocols when the wife was in her 40s or early 50s.


Rebalance Hormone Clinic physicians stay updated regarding the latest advancements and findings in the hormone therapy field to provide patients with proven treatments using established methodologies tailored to their needs and health status.

Treating Menopause Symptoms

Menopause signals declining ovarian function and estrogen production, causing symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, anxiety, irregular periods, trouble sleeping, and vaginal dryness.

As one of the most prevalent health issues for women in midlife, an estimated 6,000 American women enter menopause daily, with the average age being in the early 50s. However, onset can be much earlier or later too.

Restoring waning hormone levels to healthy ranges can dramatically ease uncomfortable menopausal issues. Treatment options include:

  • Low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy for genitourinary symptoms
  • Transdermal estrogen with cyclic progesterone for hot flashes
  • Compounded bioidentical hormones customized to needs and symptoms
  • Lifestyle adjustments like diet, exercise, stress reduction

The Rebalance Hormone Clinic understands the struggle many women endure from fluctuating hormones and menopause fallout. They offer personalized therapy regimens focused on helping patients overcome symptoms that hamper daily wellbeing and functioning.

Why Testosterone Therapy is Crucial for Men

Regarded as the "male" sex hormone, testosterone plays a vital health role across a man's life:

  • Critical for sexual development during adolescence
  • Boosts lean muscle mass and optimal body composition
  • Essential for bone mineral density and strength
  • Influences distribution of body fat
  • Impacts red blood cell production
  • Affects male fertility and sperm health
  • Plays a key role in libido and erectile function

However, testosterone synthesis begins declining after age 30 by 1-3% yearly. Low testosterone or hypogonadism can severely affect men's mental and physiological health, causing disturbing symptoms like:

  • Decreased energy and stamina
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased body fat and reduced strength
  • Poor concentration, depression and mood issues
  • Reduced motivation, confidence and self-esteem
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Lower sex drive, less intense orgasms

Testosterone therapy is increasingly being recognized as highly effective to alleviate hypogonadism disorders in men. When correctly administered under medical guidance, numerous research studies indicate benefits such as:

  • Increased lean mass and reduced fat mass
  • Better erectile function
  • Improved mood and thinking ability
  • Higher bone density and strength
  • Better sleep quality and energy
  • Enhanced motivation and wellbeing

Testosterone therapy should not be viewed as a "lifestyle enhancer" akin to steroids or abuse of anabolic drugs. The knowledgeable doctors at Rebalance Hormone Clinic provide treatment solely for clinically diagnosed cases of testosterone deficiency causing health issues.

Starting Hormone Therapy

Those considering hormone replacement therapy are probably wondering:

  • How long does treatment last?
  • What is the process?
  • When will I see results?
  • How much does it cost?

Here's an overview of the standard process:

  1. Initial consultation - Discussion regarding symptoms, medical history and expected outcomes
  2. Blood and saliva tests - To determine baseline hormone levels
  3. Prescribing bioidentical hormones and delivery method - Matching dosage to deficiency and treatment goals
  4. Follow up testing and monitoring - Tests within 4-6 weeks to confirm circulating hormone levels have hit optimal target
  5. Adjust dosages as needed - To achieve consistent levels and full symptom relief
  6. Ongoing management - Regular lab testing and progress tracking

Most patients start seeing positive effects within 3-6 weeks as the body regulates hormonal balance and distribution. Full benefits are typically reported within 3-6 months of therapy as hormones get metabolized and utilized by cells at ideal amounts.

Rebalance Hormone Clinic physicians collaborate closely with patients to make adjustments over the first months before settling on a fixed regimen. Therapy is then managed long-term with blood tests every 4-12 months and following medical guidance.

Their clinics aim to make hormone therapy affordable and financially feasible even for long-term use. Patients can contact them for details regarding accepted health plans and payment options.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Better Hormone Therapy Results

Hormone optimization goes beyond medications alone. Patients can enhance treatment benefits by adopting healthy lifestyle strategies like:

  • Balanced nutrition - Eat more phytoestrogen and antioxidant-rich foods. Avoid excess carbs, sugar and alcohol.
  • Stress moderation - Try relaxation techniques like yoga as high stress impacts hormones.
  • Sufficient sleep - Lack of deep REM sleep hampers hormone regulation.
  • Regular exercise - Helps moderate estrogen, testosterone and growth hormones promoting overall benefits.
  • Healthy body weight - Excess fat tissue converts hormones into unwanted forms.

Such positive habits combined with diligent hormone therapy amplify wellness and vitality - the key goal for patients!

The Rebalance Hormone Clinic Difference

What sets Rebalance Hormone Clinic apart is their physician team's extensive training and expertise exclusively focused on hormonal treatment modalities for optimized patient care including:

  • Use of highest quality pharmaceutical bioidentical hormones - Estrogens, progesterone, testosterone and others sourced from reputed drug companies and compounding pharmacies
  • Advanced diagnostics - Certified blood, saliva and urine testing facilities
  • Latest therapy protocols - Customized hormone preparations matching deficiency and symptoms
  • Ongoing patient education - Treatment options, lifestyle adjustment guidance, risks clarification
  • Convenient treatment scheduling - Weekly in-clinic or virtual consultations with flexible timing slots
  • Seamless insurance claiming - Paperwork assistance for reimbursement procedures with accepted provider health plans

Their mission is helping patients address the root physiological imbalance rather than masking symptoms alone. They empower men and women to take charge of their wellness through expert medical care.


Hormonal decline does not have to be an inevitable part of aging. Targeted treatment of deficiencies restores youthful equilibrium, allowing both women and men to look and feel their best regardless of age.

Rebalance Hormone Clinic specializes in the diagnosis and long-term management of hormone therapy, catering to individual needs. Their experienced medical team provides the latest protocols, highest quality medications, and continual follow-up to ensure treatment success.

Contact Rebalance Hormone Clinic today for a consultation and discover your journey to hormone health and optimal wellness!

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